A sweet message to go a long way.


It’s the small things that make you smile.
Walking into a cafe and ordering a hot chocolate happens twice a week at this cafe while I wait for the library to open.
This particular morning, I had greatly received a total of 2 hours sleep and still managed to sluggishly drag my sorry ass out of bed.
Walking in I had my music on full and humming a song to myself.
While ordering my hot chocolate I noticed that the lady who was serving me was looking at me intensely. I paid and went to the bathroom. It was then I realised by puffy blood shot eyes and mascara from yesterday smudged a little down my eye made me look as bad as I felt. I cleaned myself up as best as I could and went to sit down.
The girl came over with my hot chocolate and said ‘hey, I know it’s none of my business but just hang in there, you will be okay’. She smiled and walks away. A simple message of knowing I was not alone helped me get through that day. So whether you’re going to bed and reading this or just waking up.
You will be okay. You are stronger then you think and you’ve just got to hang in there.

Always here if you need a chat.

Love always,



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